Honda Accord: Engine Block
- Special Tools
- Component Location Index
- Connecting Rod and Crankshaft End Play Inspection
- Crankshaft Main Bearing Replacement
- Connecting Rod Bearing Replacement
- Oil Pan Remowal
- Crankshaft and Piston Remowal
- Crankshaft Inspection
- Block and Piston inspection
- Cf Hinder Bore Honing
- Piston, Pin, and Confyssfeg EQC Replacement
- Piston Ring Replacement
- Piston Installation
- Connecting Rod Bolt Inspection
- Crankshaft Installation
- CKP Pulse Plate Replacement
- Oil Pan Installation
- Transmission End Crankshaft Oil Seal Installation - In Car.
- Sealing Bolt Installation
Sealing Bolt Installation
NOTE: When installing the sealing bolt, always use a
new washer.
Special Tools
See also:
Adjusting the Seat Positions
Adjust the driver's seat as far back as possible
while allowing you to maintain full control of
the vehicle. You should be able to sit upright,
well back in the seat and be able to
adequatel ...
ODS Unit Replacement
1. Do t h e battery t e r m i n a l disconnection procedure (see
page 22-91), t h e n w a i t at least 3 minutes before
s t a r t i ng work.
2. Remove t h e f r o n t passenger's seat (s ...
4th and 5th Clutch Reassembly
Special Tools Required
Clutch Spring Compressor Set 07LAE PX40000
1. Soak the clutch discs thoroughly in ATF for at least
30 minutes.
2. Install new O-rings (A) on the clutch piston (B). Do not