Honda Accord: ODS Unit Replacement - SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) - Restraints - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: ODS Unit Replacement


1. Do t h e battery t e r m i n a l disconnection procedure (see page 22-91), t h e n w a i t at least 3 minutes before s t a r t i ng work.

2. Remove t h e f r o n t passenger's seat (see page 20-194).

3. T u r n over t h e seat-back cover/pad as needed: • 4-door (see page 20-221) • 2-door (see page 20-213) 4. Remove t h e cover (A), t h e n disconnect t h e ODS unit 18P connector (B) a n d OPDS sensor connectors (C) from t h e ODS unit (D).

5. Remove t h e t w o washers, nuts (E), a n d t h e ODS unit.

5. Remove t h e t w o washers, nuts (E), a n d t h e ODS unit.


1. Place t h e ODS unit (A) o n t h e seat-back f r a m e . Install t h e t w o washers and nuts, a n d t o r q u e t h e t w o nuts (B) , t h e n connect t h e ODS unit harness 18P connector (C) and OPDS sensor connectors (D) t o t h e ODS unit.

Reinstall t h e cover (E).

2. Install t h e seat-back cover cover/pad in t h e reverse

2. Install t h e seat-back cover cover/pad in t h e reverse order of removal: • 4-door (see page 20-221) • 2-door (see page 20-213) 3. Install t h e f r o n t passenger's seat (see page 20-200).

4. Do t h e battery t e r m i n a l reconnection procedure (see page 22-91).

5. Clear any DTCs w i t h t h e HDS (see page 24-38).

6. Set t he seat-back in t h e normal p o s i t i o n , a n d make sure t h e r e is n o t h i n g o n t h e f r o n t passenger's seat.

7 Do t he ODS unit i n i t i a l i z a t i on (see page 24-40).

8. C o n f i rm proper SRS operation: T u r n t he i g n i t i on s w i t c h t o ON (II); t h e SRS indicator should come on f o r about 6 seconds and t h e n g o off.

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