Honda Accord: Front Passenger's Airbag Replacement
NOTE: If r e p l a c i n g t h e f r o n t passenger's airbag after d e p l o y m e n t , refer t o Component Replacement/ Inspection A f t e r Deployment (see page 24-208) f o r a c o m p l e t e list of other parts t h a t must also be replaced.
1. Do t h e battery t e r m i n a l disconnection procedure (see page 22-91), t h e n w a i t at least 3 m i n u t e s before s t a r t i ng work.
2. Open t h e g l o v e box. Remove t h e g l o v e box s t o p on t h e r i g h t side, then let the glove box hang down (see page 20-174).
3. Detach t h e connector c l i p , t h e n disconnect the dashboard w i r e harness 4P connector (A) f r om f r o nt passenger's airbag 4P connector. Remove t h e nuts (B).
4. Remove t h e dashboard side l id (see step 6 o n page 20-175).
5. Place the cardboard (A) between the center display v i s o r a n d t h e passenger's airbag. U s i n g o n l y your hands, f i r s t lift t h e right side, t h e n lift t h e left side, and remove t h e f r o n t passenger's a i r b a g a n d l id assembly (B) f r om t h e dashboard.
NOTE: The airbag l id has p a w l s (C) o n each side w h e r e it attaches t o t h e dashboard.
6. Cut t h e f o u r parts o f t h e l id as s h o w n (A), a n d detach V t h e f r o n t passenger's airbag.
NOTE: • Always replace t h e uppec d a s h b o a r d panel whenever y o u r e m o v e t h e a i r b a g f r om t h e panel.
• Replace t h e a i r b a g if t h e a i r b a g m o u n t i n g hooks or its h o u s i n g is damaged.
7. Insert t h e hooks (A) of t h e f r o n t passenger's airbag h o u s i n g i n to t h e n e w upper dashboard panel, t h en insert t h e other hooks (B) i n to t h e panel.
NOTE: • Make sure t h e r e are no objects between t h e airbag and t h e upper panel.
• Make sure t h e a i r b a g is f u l l y seated, a n d make sure t h e upper panel is not d e f o r m e d or damaged after t h e airbag is in place.
• Do not use tools when detaching the front passenger's airbag in order t o protect it.
• Make sure t h e hooks are set properly.
1. Place the front passenger's airbag and lid assembly (A) into the dashboard. Torque the front passenger's airbag new mounting nyts (B).
2. Connect the dashboard wire harness 4P connector (A) to the front passenger's airbag 4P connector, then install the connector clip. Reinstall the glove box (see page 20-174).
3. Reinstall the dashboard side lid (see step 6 on page 20-175).
4. Do the battery terminal reconnection procedure (see page 22-91).
5. Clear any DTCs with the HDS (see page 24-38).
6. After installing the airbag, confirm proper system operation: Turn the ignition switch to ON (ll); the SRS indicator should come on for about 6 seconds and then go off.
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then open the hood.
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mode A (see page 22-134).