Honda Accord: A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid
Valve B and C Replacement
1. Do the battery removal procedure (see page 22-92).
2. Remove the battery base (see step 8 on page 5-3).
3. Disconnect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves B and C connectors.
4. Remove N T clutch pressure control solenoid valves B andC.
5. Remove the ATF joint pipes (A), the O-rings (D), and the gasket (E).
6. Clean the mounting surface and the fluid passages of the transmission housing.
7. Install a new gasket on the transmission housing, and install the ATF joint pipes. Install new O-rings over the ATF joint pipes.
NOTE: Be sure to install a new gasket with the blue side toward the transmission housing.
8. Install new A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves B and C.
9. Check the connectors for rust, dirt, or oil, and clean or repair if necessary. Then connect the connectors securely.
10. Install the battery base (see step 63 on page 5-22).
11. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-92).
A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid
Valve B and C Test
1. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the
driver's side of the dashboard.
2. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). Make sure the HDS
communicates with the PCM. If it does not, go to the
Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed Sensor
1. Remove the nut securing the under-hood fuse/relay
box, and swing it out of the way.
2. Remove the intake air duct and the air cleaner
3. Disconnect the input shaft (mainshaft) spee ...
See also:
Identification Number Locations
Shift Fork Clearance Inspection
1. Measure the clearance between each shift fork (A)
and its matching synchro sleeve (B). If the clearance
exceeds the service limit, go to step 2.
Standard: 0.35-0.65 mm (0.014-0.026 inj
Service ...
Front Door Outer Molding
Special Tools Required
KTC Trim Tool Set SOJATP2014*
*Available through the Honda Tool and
Program; call 888-424-6857
- If you remove the door outer molding, replace it with a