Honda Accord: Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch B
(3rd Clutch) Replacement
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, or apply the parking brake, block both rear wheels, and raise the front of the vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported.
2. Remove the splash shield.
3. Disconnect the connector (A) from the transmission fluid pressure switch B {3rd clutch) (B), then remove the transmission fluid pressure switch B (3rd clutch).
4. Install a new transmission fluid pressure switch B (3rd clutch) with a new sealing washer (C), and tighten the transmission fluid pressure switch B (3rd clutch) to the specified torque by turning the metal part, not the plastic part.
5. Check the connector for rust, dirt, or oil, and clean or repair if necessary, then connect the connector securely.
6. Install the splasTi shield.
Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch A
(2nd Clutch) Replacement
1. Remove the intake air duct.
2. Disconnect the connector (A) from the transmission
fluid pressure switch A (2nd clutch) (B), and remove
the transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd clutch).
ATF Temperature Sensor
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, or apply the parking brake,
block both rear wheels, and raise the front of the
vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported.
2. Remove the splash shield.
3. Disc ...
See also:
Fuel Pipe Protector Replacement
- Put on gloves to protect your hands.
- Take care not to scratch the body.
- When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with
protective tape to prevent damage.
1. Remove the le ...
Ignition Coil and Spark Plug
1. Remove the ignition coil cover (A).
2. Disconnect the ignition coil connectors (B), then
remove the ignition coils (C).
3. Remove the spark plug and inspect them (see page
4. Appl ...
Additional Safety Precautions
Never hold an infant or child on
your lap. If you are not wearing a
seat belt in a crash, you could be
thrown forward and crush the
child against the dashboard or a
seat-back. If you are wea ...