Honda Accord: Passenger's Airbag Cutoff Indicator Replacement
1. With navigation: Remove the dashboard center vent (see page 20-178).
2. Without navigation: Remove the audio unit (see page 23-114).
3. Disconnect the 6P connector (A) from the passenger's airbag cutoff Indicator/hazard warning switch (B).
4. Push out the passenger's airbag cutoff indicator/hazard warning switch from behind the dashboard center vent/audio unit (C).
5. Reinstall the parts in the reverse order of removal.
Driver's Seat Position Sensor Replacement
Removal (Power seat) NOTE: Do not t u r n t h e i g n i t i o n s w i t c h t o ON (II), a n d do not connect t h e battery cable w h i l e r e m o v i n g t he d r i v e r ' s seat p o s i t i o n ...News
...See also:
Fuel Pressure Regulator Replacement
1. Remove the fuel tank unit (see page 11-320).
2. Remove the reservoir (A).
3. Remove the bracket (B).
4. Remove the fuel pressure regulator (C).
5. Install the parts in the reverse order ...
Mainshaft Inspection
1. Inspect the gear and bearing contact areas for wear
and damage, then measure the mainshaft at points A,
B, C, D, and E. If any part of the mainshaft is less than
the service limit, replace it.
Connector Index
Identification numbers have been assigned to in-line connectors, junction
connectors, and terminals. The number is preceded by the letter "C"
for connectors, " G " for ground te ...