Honda Accord: Airbag and Tensioner Disposal - SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) - Restraints - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Airbag and Tensioner Disposal

Special Tools Required

Deployment Tool 07HAZ-SG00500

Before scrapping any airbags, side airbags, side curtain airbags, seat belt tensioners, (including those in a whole vehicle to be scrapped), the part(s) must be deployed. If the vehicle is still within the warranty period, the Honda District Parts and Service Manager must give approval and/or special instruction before deploying the part(s).

Only after the part(s) have been deployed (as the result of vehicle collision, for example), can they be scrapped.

If the parts appear intact (not deployed), treat them with extreme caution. Follow this procedure.

Deploying Airbags in the Vehicle

If an SRS equipped vehicle is to be entirely scrapped, its airbags, side airbags, side curtain airbags, and seat belt t e n s i o n e r s s h o u l d be d e p l o y e d while stiii in the vehicle.

These parts should not be considered as salvageable parts and should never be installed in another vehicle.

1. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). Do the battery terminal disconnection procedure (see page 22-91), then wait at least 3 minutes before starting work.

2. Confirm that each airbag, side airbag, side curtain airbag, or seat belt tensioner is securely mounted.

3. Confirm that the deployment tool is functioning properly by following the check procedure on the tool label.

Driver's Airbag

4. Remove the access panel (A) from the steering wheel, then disconnect the driver's airbag 4P connector (B) from the cable reel 4P connector.

Front Passenger's Airbag

Front Passenger's Airbag

5. Open the glove box. Remove the glove box stop on the right side, then let the glove box hang down (see page 20-174).

6. Detach the connector clip, then disconnect the dashboard wire harness 4P connector (A) from front passenger's airbag 4P connector.

Side Airbag

Side Airbag

7. Disconnect the SRS floor wire harness 2P connectors (A) from the driver's and the front passenger's side airbag 2P connectors.

Side Curtain-Airbag

Side Curtain-Airbag

8. Remove the C-pillar trim: • 4-door (see page 20-110) • 2-door (seepage 20-110)

9. Disconnect the SRS floor wire harness 2P connector (A) from the side curtain airbag 2P connector.


Seat Belt Tensioner

Seat Belt Tensioner

10.4-door: Remove the B-pillar lower trim (see page 20-110).

11.2-door: Remove the rear side trim panel (see page 20-127).

12. Disconnect the SRS floor wire harness 4P connector (A) from the seat belt tensioner 4P connector. Pull the seat belt out all the way and cut it.

13. Cut off each connector, and strip the ends of the wires.

13. Cut off each connector, and strip the ends of the wires.

Twist each pair; of unlike colored wires together, and clip an alligator clip (A) from the deployment tool to each pair.

NOTE:  вЂў Place the deployment tool at least 30 f t (10 m) away from the vehicle.

• The driver's and front passenger's airbags have dual inflators'. Twist each pair o f unlike colored wires together, and clip an alligator clip to each pair.

14. Connect a 12 V battery to the tool.

14. Connect a 12 V battery to the tool.

• I f t h e green light on t h e t o o l comes o n , t he igniter c i r c u i t is defective and cannot d e p l o y the component. Go t o Disposal of Damaged Components.

• If t h e red l i g h t o n t he t o o l comes o n , t h e component is ready t o be deployed.

15. Push t h e t o o l ' s d e p l o y m e n t s w i t c h . T h e airbags and tensioners s h o u l d deploy (deployment is b o t h h i g h ly audible and v i s i b l e : A l o u d noise and r a p i d i n f l a t i o n of t h e bag, f o l l o w e d by s l ow deflation).

• I f t h e c o m p o n e n t s deploy and t h e green light o n t he tool comes o n , c o n t i n u e w i t h t h i s procedure.

• If a c o m p o n e n t does not deploy, a n d t h e green light comes ON, its i g n i t e r is defective. Go t o Disposal of Damaged Components.

• During d e p l o y m e n t , the airbags c an become hot enough t o burn y o u . W a i t f o r 30 m i n u t e s after deployment before t o u c h i n g t h e airbags.

16. Dispose of t h e c o m p l e t e airbag. No part of it can be reused. Place it in a s t u r d y plastic bag (A), a n d seal it securely. Dispose of t h e d e p l o y e d a i r b a g according to your local regulations.

Deploying Components Out of the Vehicle

Deploying Components Out of the Vehicle

If an intact a i r b a g or t e n s i o n e r has been r e m o v e d f r om a scrapped vehicle, or has been f o u n d defective or damaged d u r i n g t r a n s i t , storage, or service, it s h o u l d be d e p l o y e d as f o l l o w s:

1. C o n f i rm t h a t t h e d e p l o y m e n t t o o l is f u n c t i o n

1. C o n f i rm t h a t t h e d e p l o y m e n t t o o l is f u n c t i o n i ng p r o p e r l y by f o l l o w i n g t h e check procedure Deploying A i r b a g s in t h e Vehicle o n t h e t o o l label.

2. Position t h e airbag face u p , o u t d o o r s , o n f l a t g r o u n d , at least 30 ft (10 m) f r om any obstacles or people.

3. F o l l ow steps 13 t h r o u g h 16 of t h e in-vehicle deployment procedure.

NOTE: T h e d r i v e r ' s and f r o n t passenger's airbags have dual i n f l a t o r s . T w i s t each pair of unlike colored wires together , and clip an alligator clip to each pair.

Disposal of Damaged Components

1. If installed in a vehicle, follow the removal procedure for t h e driver's airbag (see page 24-211), front passenger's airbag (see page 24-212), s i de a i r b a g (see page 24-215), side c u r t a in airbag (see page 24-216), and seat belt tensioner, 4-door (see p a g e 24-10), 2-door (see page 24-5).

2. In all cases, make a short circuit b y c u t t i n g , s t r i p p i n g, and t w i s t i n g together t h e t w o i n f l a t o r wires.

NOTE: The d r i v e r ' s and f r o n t passenger's airbags have dual i n f l a t o r s . T h e like color w i r e s g o t o t he individual inflators. T w i s t t h e like c o l o r e d wires together.

3. Package t h e c o m p o n e n t in exactly t h e same packaging that t h e n e w replacement part came i n.

4. Mark t h e o u t s i d e of t h e b o x DAMAGED AIRBAG NOT DEPLOYED, DAMAGED SIDE AIRBAG NOT DEPLOYED, DAMAGED SIDE CURTAIN AIRBAG NOT DEPLOYED, or DAMAGED SEAT BELT TENSIONER NOT DEPLOYED so it does not g e t c o n f u s e d w i t h your parts stock.

5. Contact y o u r Honda District Parts a n d Service Manager f o r i n s t r u c t i o n s o n h o w a n d w h e r e t o return it f o r disposal.

Deployment Tool Check

1. Connect t h e y e l l ow clips t o b o t h s w i t c h protector handles o n t h e t o o l .

2. Then connect t h e r ed lead t o t h e p o s i t i v e battery post and t he black lead t o t h e negative battery post.

3. Push t h e o p e r a t i o n s w i t c h : T h e g r e e n light should come o n , i n d i c a t i n g that t h e t o o l is o p e r a t i n g properly and is ready f o r use. If t he r ed l i g h t stays o n , t h e t o o l is f a u l t y , a n d another o n e m u s t be used f o r t h e procedure.

4. Disconnect t h e t o o l clips and c o n n e c t o r s f r om t he protector handles and t he battery.

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