Honda Accord: Rear Seat Cushion Cover
Replacement - Seats - Body - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Rear Seat Cushion Cover Replacement

NOTE: -Put on gloves to protect your hands.

- Take care not to tear or damage the seat covers.

1. Remove the seat cushion (see page 20-241).

2. From the back of the seat-back, release all the upholstery rings (A), and fold back the seat cushion cover (B).




3. Pull back the edge of the seat cushion cover (A) all the

3. Pull back the edge of the seat cushion cover (A) all the way around, and release the upholstery rings (B), and release the hooks (C) of the lateral wires (D) from the longitudinal wires (E) on the pad, then remove the seat cushion cover.

NOTE: The leather seat cushion cover is shown; the other types of the seat cushion cover are similar.


4. Install the cushion cover in the reverse order of

4. Install the cushion cover in the reverse order of removal, and note these items: - To prevent wrinkles when installing the seat cushion cover, make sure the material is stretched evenly over the pad before securing the upholstery rings.

- Replace all of the upholstery rings (A) fastening the seat cushion cover (B) to the pad wires (C) with new ones using commercially available upholstery ring pliers (D).


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