Honda Accord: Ignition Key Light Test
1. Remove the steering column upper and lower covers (see page 20-181).
2. Disconnect the 6P connector (A).
3. The LED should come on when power is connected to terminal No. 6 and ground is connected to terminal No. 5.
4. If the LED does not come on, the ignition key switch is faulty; replace the steering lock assembly (see page 17-16).
Ignition Key Switch Test
1. Remove the steering column upper and lower covers (see page 20-181). 2. Disconnect the 6P connector (A). 3. Check for continuity between terminals No. 1 and No. 2. • There should ...Power Windows
...See also:
To Play an iPod
This audio system can select and
play the audio files on the iPod with
the same controls used for the disc
player. To play an iPod, connect it to
the USB adapter cable in the console
compart ...
Tire Labeling
The tires that came on your vehicle have a
number of markings. Those you should be
aware of are described below.
• Tire Sizes
Whenever tires are replaced, they should be replaced with tires ...
To Stop Playing Your iPod
To play the radio, press the FM/AM,
or button. Press the CD button
to switch to the disc mode. Press the
AUX button to switch back to the
Disconnecting an iPod
You can disconnect the ...