Honda Accord: Brake PadWear Indicators
The front and rear disc brakes on all models have audible brake pad wear indicators.
If the brake pads need replacing, you will hear a distinctive, metallic screeching sound when you apply the brake pedal. If you do not have the brake pads replaced, they will screech all the time. It is normal for the brakes to occasionally squeal or squeak when you apply them.
Braking System Design
The hydraulic system that operates
the brakes has two separate circuits.
Each circuit works diagonally across
the vehicle (the left-front brake is
connected with the right-rear brake,
etc.). ...
Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)
The anti-lock brake system (ABS)
helps prevent the wheels from
locking up, and helps you retain
steering control by pumping the
brakes rapidly, much faster than a
person can do it.
The elec ...
See also:
Symptom Troubleshooting Index
When the vehicle has one of these symptoms, check for a diagnostic trouble
code (DTC) with the HDS. If there is no DTC,
do the diagnostic procedure for the symptom, in the sequence listed, until yo ...
Driveshaft Inspection
1. Check the inboard boot (A) and the outboard boot (B)
on the driveshaft (C) for cracks, damage, leaking
grease, and loose boot bands (D). If any damage is
found, replace the boot and the boot ban ...
Fuel Fill Door Adjustment
1. Slightly loosen the hinge mounting bolts (A).
2 . Adjust the fuel fill door (B) in or out until it is flush with
the body, and up or down as necessary to equalize the
3. Tighten the h ...