Honda Accord:  
Shift Fork Disassembly/Reassembly - Manual Transmission - Transaxle - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord:   Shift Fork Disassembly/Reassembly

NOTE: Prior to reassembling, clean all the parts in solvent, dry them, and apply MTF to all contact surfaces

Mainshaft Assembly Clearance Inspection

    Shift Fork Clearance Inspection
    1. Measure the clearance between each shift fork (A) and its matching synchro sleeve (B). If the clearance exceeds the service limit, go to step 2. Standard: 0.35-0.65 mm (0.014-0.026 inj Service ...

    Mainshaft Assembly Clearance Inspection
    1. Support the bearing Inner race with an appropriate sized socket ( A ) , and push down on the mainshaft ( B ) . 2. Measure the clearance between 2nd gear (C) and 3rd gear (D) with a feeler gaug ...

    See also:

    Troubleshooting B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A
    Check the ECM/PCM for DTCs and troubleshoot . ECM/PCM (see page 11-3) or F-CAN loss of communication errors first, then do this diagnosis if the symptom is related to the B-CAN system. 1. Comp ...

    Ignition Coil and Spark Plug Removal/Installation
    1. Remove the ignition coil cover (A). 2. Disconnect the ignition coil connectors (B), then remove the ignition coils (C). 3. Remove the spark plug and inspect them (see page 4-20). 4. Appl ...

    Front Door Weatherstrip Replacement
    NOTE: - Put on gloves to protect your hands. - Take care not to scratch the door. - Take care not to damage the front upper corner clip (black) (4-door) and the rear upper corner clips (black) ...