Honda Accord: Driver's Inner Dashboard Trim
Removal/Installation - Dashboard - Body - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Driver's Inner Dashboard Trim Removal/Installation

Eighth generation (2008–2012) / Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service Manual / Body / Dashboard / Driver's Inner Dashboard Trim Removal/Installation

Special Tools Required

KTC Trim Tool Set SOJATP2014*

*Available through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program; call 888-424-6857

NOTE: - Take care not to scratch the dashboard or the related parts.

- Use the appropriate tool from the KTC trim tool set to avoid damage when removing components.

1. Remove the driver's inner dashboard trim (A).

-1. Pry up on the edge of the trim at the steering column side with the appropriate trim tool.

-2. Detach the clips.

-3. Release the hook (B) from under the center panel (C).

2. Install the trim in the reverse order of removal, and

2. Install the trim in the reverse order of removal, and note these items: - If the clips are damaged or stress-whitened, replace them with new ones.

- First insert the hook under the center panel, then push the clips into place securely.

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